Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10 Assignment

Part 1: Go to Socrative and enter Room #944386

Part 2: Begin looking for your second article that you could use for a commentary.. The article must have been published after September 15, 2013. For this article, you want to find one where you could apply the concepts of PED, YED, XED, PES, or externalities.

If you need help finding an article consider these sources:

If you need more information about the commentary, here is all of the official material I have on the subject.

Once you have checked the article with me, you can begin to complete a rough outline for your commentary:

-A. A short summary of the article
-B. A list of terms from the class that could be applied to the article.
-C. An explanation of how these terms relate to the article.
-D. A description of which diagrams you could use to illustrate your ideas.
-E. A rough outline of how you could evaluate this article (evaluate means to weigh two sides and come to a conclusion) 

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